Saturday 10 November 2012

AFA Day 1~ Cos-ing as Syo wasn't very suitable~

Vivian's baobei : Her chick!which she says is a Turkey..HAHAHAHAHA!
Taken in my near my room's window(sunlight effect)~
Ya, I know I don't look good in Syo costumes...

That "Go Sick" Victoria!
Pika Pika~!!!Argh super duper crowded and squeezy!
I was so HAPPY when I saw this! 僕は友達が少ない~!
I'm gonna cos that Yozora from this Anime next time!(I planned to cosplay as her during AFA2012 but I have some stuffs not ready yet, thank to my lazyness+That Stupid EPDPR Project)...

She's beautiful~!                                                         I LOVE HIS(she is a her though) COOL SWORD alots~ !


That purple hair girl, her double eyelids damh pretty!

Creative Pikachu!                                                       Is this the Eggplant I usually eat...?
I love their props~!

Pokemon de Evy!I love her tail!        

                                                                                  She is Vivian's baobei too!Pretty Cosplayer!
The one and only photo taken together using my camera...The rest of our camwhore pictures were majorty with Bryan and Vivian~!!!

Freckles all can be BB Cream is quite useless(must use concealer liao) .

Bryan and Cousin Vivian Playing Naruto game~*when they don't get how to play*
*when they finally understand how to play*

                                                                                 I think he resemble Kyu Hyun for at least 25%~Nope or yes?

I wasn't very suitable for Crossdress maybe...?I think I looks weird and too girly as Syo Kurusu in real life...I guess I have spoilt Syo Kurusu's image for cos-ing him~I think I look better in my costest picture for Syo Kurusu but still look like a girl.. OmO
Unless I learn and master how to do contouring and highlighting, maybe I might be better...

Cousin Vivian and Bryan stayed over at my house last night~We went to the same old 7-11 like the last stayover and bought a SUPER DUPER LARGE Cup of Soft Drink+Chips(3 of us manage to finish drink it sia)~It was always fun to have them staying over at my house!!!

And and and Bryan, you say you wanna try cosplaying after your O' level one ar...I'm anticipating!

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