Friday 2 November 2012

KDO Vol.30 with Bryan OUO V

Initially... ... I have decided not to go KDO Vol.30 de, coz I thought Bryan will be studying for O' level and plus I wanna go home sleep/rest straight after school~
Then I asked Bryan, he told me he's coming~Then I shall go baa~!OUO
But I haven't been practicing all the songs I know how to dance to...
Stupid...I shouldn't have came up and danced to "No Mercy"(as I forgot most of it, probably looks like some no strength and lousy dancer, maybe not looks like, I am!)...Regretted not dancing(practicing it) to it regularly~
I am glad that they have played "Beautiful Night"~Despite not looking good(I don't mean I dance to look good, I danced coz I'm interested to do so....I actually means that my strength was too weak and my moves was either too fast or slow) dancing to it, I have enjoyed dancing to it!SAME HERE...Regretted not dancing(practicing it) to it regularly~
I'm currently learning "To You" and "Lipstick"~I hope to be able to dance these 2 songs soon~

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