Sunday 11 November 2012

AFA Day2~Hees...DBS ATM DOWN(> ~ <)~Animal Cruelty Prevention~Today is PERORO DAY?

 Hees...Focus on my contact lens, my lip is ugly~!
 Normal rabbits, they all looks like  fur balls~!!!Cute!
 Giant Rabbit!
 Awesome Fur dye!The darker brown colour+that tone of brown looks great tgt~
 Handsome Japanese Spitz looking at my camera and posed for me!Yes awesome!!!
 Woof~~~Japanese Spitz!!!!
 Sorry la, no need to stare at me like that Miss Cat~
 Don't emo la~
 Meow~Who were u looking at?
 Cat sleeping prettily~
 Adorable Giant Dog who thought that he is a Lizard!HAHAHAHA!


Firstly, sincerely Sorry Bryan, sorry for being so late while my house is quite nearby...I should have left my house earlier~ > ~ <
Secondly, Bryan and I were penniless when we were in Expo...and well...ALL THE DBS ATM WERE RIDICULOUSLY DOWN  IN EXPO. T ~ T
Therefore today, we just went around the outside of expo hall 7(AFA) to look at other cosplayers, there weren't much  cosplayers outside though.AND WE WENT "Animal Cruelty Prevention" in one of the Expo hall(don't remember which hall..). Seriously, goshhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!THAT HANDSOME JAPANESE SPIZ was so smart, he posed and looks at my camera.I smiled at him, he also look at me! OUO  HAHAHHAAHA! OUO V AND ALL THE SEXY and Cute CATS!!!WA!!!Too bad that they were always in the cage...haiis...Meows!
And at EXPO SUBWAY.... INTENTIONALLY, BRYAN AND I wanted to eat at SUBWAY USING NETS BUT  ONLY CAN PAY BY CASH*Sian*At the same time...I saw a cosplayer cos-ing as Syo(the exact same version as the version I had cosplay-ed as), her Clothes so damh nice can(the colour and the material), mine is ugly as it's cheap..I WANT HER COSTUME! > ~ <

Eventually, we went to Raffle City for SUBWAY~*Hungry*
HOWEVER, WE WERE LIKE FINDING SO LONG FOR THE DBS ATM + SUBWAY...When we finally found DBS ATM, "$ cannot be dispensed"...Oh well...When we finally found SUBWAY, "ONLY accept CASH"~  T _ T 
Till we passed by the same DBS ATM again, IT WAS REPAIRED, alright Great finally can take $ and eat Subway~

After that I went to Novena (CJ) for my Teentop- To You 3rd lesson!I'm late for class once again~
Well...I still can't do the 1st lesson stuffs~And I can dance better without music, with music I can't catch...Fail la~
Have to practice with music daily!

I saw TWITTER , "HAPPY PEPERO DAY" was trending...So, Today is Pepero Day? I thought Today is DBS ATM MACHINES BREAKDOWN DAY!
Shouldn't Pepero Day be like only 11th November 2011?(3 pairs of  '1')?Why 11th November 2012(only have 2 pairs of '1'+1 lonely '1') also can be Pepero Day??? Anything lo, HAPPY PEPERO DAY Then!

Anyway I was happy to spend today with Bryan!I had fun ya!Except that today is like a DBS ATM MACHINES BREAKDOWN DAY!

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