Friday 22 June 2012

22th June 2012 went to Jcube ice-skating again and then IKEA

봐다~! 그남자 아침에 Headstand이에요~!!!아이고..リラックマ씨 너무 귀여다!
(I saw this guy being like this as soon as I opened my eyes~HAHAHAHAHAHAHA`!!!DOING HEADSTAND EARLY IN THE MORNING~!)

Hhaahhahaha!Candid of Bryan~!

oops,he saw my camera after the candid and posed~!Hehehes!

trying to take half of our face but abits fail~

I was sitting in a ARTIST chair while taking this pic~The chair can't be seen here anyway~

Vincent went in!!!HAHAHA!Cute~

Taken while sitting a seat which stated it only can withstand max. weight=70kg only~

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