Friday 29 June 2012

Bought/Ordered a 0.5kg Choc Cake after searching for so long~

Today is a long day considering that I've reached school way too early~8.04am lol~I always forgot that my Friday lesson will start at 10am... ...
Wasn't listening much to what teacher have taught..sorry cher,my brain dozed off during your lesson(ACDA lor)~As usual,her English sounds like Tamil~ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ!!!!
I received back my TP paper, I'm happy about the marks(84marks) but so disappointing on how I lost those 3marks on my blind mistakes~my 3 marks from MCQ gone like this: my"6+2=4",correct answer but wrote the wrong choice and see wrong number when I really get the right workings!Aish~~~몰라!~Whatever~Since they are past tense already~그것들은 지났어~
Practical forever drain out all my energy(exhausted after done everything) as I'm a practical idiot person~Aish~
Oh ya,once I've reached Tampines, I went to the Bakery Shop which I go to buy my beloved Mushroom Bread and tried to choose a 0.5kg choc cake~But those choc cake looks so ugly,only their Blueberry Cheesecake and mango fruitcake are beautiful~Feel like eating either Blueberry Cheesecake(looks so expensive though it's not,looks delicious too!) or mango fruitcake(I bought this for Antricia's Birthday celebration this year,super tasty!)...My craving only~
So...I went to T1 basement to looks for nicer Choc cake,it's either limited variety of choc cakes(to be truthful:UGLY) or very pretty( but 0.5kg for round off to $50 ,siao so Expensive!)..At my wits end,I went to S11 there that Bakery Shop and bought that Choc Cake which I think looks okies(neither look Cheap nor Expensive).)~Hope it'll be delicious for Everyone else~

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