Tuesday 19 June 2012

Project...and Haircut~19th June2912

Date: 20125 19일(19th June 2012) ,목요일(Thursday)
오늘은 너무피곤해요하지민저는 기분이 좋아해요. 나의친구들점심만났어요.친구들하고 식당에서 같이 먹었어요.
저는 런닝맨episode94네시봤어요. 런닝맨을 좋아해요. 런닝맨을신기하고 재미있습니다.
저는 저녁은바빠서, 그래서 저녁밥 못먹었요.하지만  저는배고팠어요, 그래서 순두부를사셨어요.그리고 순두부 먹었어요순두부를그저 그래요.
지금요일 머리를 잘랐어요, 그렇지만 머리를정말못생겼어요그래서 매일매일 모자써요~
이사진은 나요~~(This is me in the pic)
I am happy although I am so tired today. I met my friend and ate lunch with them.
At 4pm, I have watched “Running Man” episode 94. I love to watch “Running Man”. “Running Man” is always so funny and interesting to watch.
I was busy with school project, as a result, I could not eat my dinner. However, I was hungry after that, so I  bought beancurd and ate it. The taste of the beancurd  I ate was quite mundane.
I have just cut my hair this Tuesday. I feel that it is quite ugly, so I wore cap every day to school.

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