Monday 25 June 2012

Finally....It's really today de post~!Holiday ended..Back to school~

Finally....It's really today de post~!
Holiday ended.. Back to school~But My flu haven't gone yet~
1st day of school after that short 2weeks holiday...lesson->8AM TO 5PM(as usual like any other monday in this semester)
Got back my Common Test results except for EM3,okies I'm quite happy with it.

1.ACDA= 70  71(teacher din count 1mark in so ya my final mark is 71)
2.TP= 84(if I din rmb wrongly)
3.APPG= 71  64(teacher wrote the wrong marks for my question3 so ya he had given me 7more marks which is doesn't belong to me,my final mark is 64 T ~ T)
It's always good to be honest although I want that 7marks badly~

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