Thursday 26 July 2012

오늘은 나는 채식김밥 또 만들었어요~!

오늘은 나는 채식김밥 또 만들었어요~!악...진짜 못생기다...
I made Kimbap again today.Argh..The Kimbap I've made today are really ugly...
I put too much water to cook the rice already...Ended up my rice(밥) look like this~Although I have just used this "porridge-rice" to make Kim Bap~
I'm giving the Kim Bap in the larger container to Samantha tomorrow~

계란튀김또 못생기다~ㅋㅋㅋㅋ~
My fried egg also looks ugly~HEHEHEHES~

어제 남은 당근..
Yesterday's leftover carrots..

어제 남은 절인 무...
Yesterday's leftover Pickled Radish...

우리 제 예쁜 "아기"채식김밥~
My best piece of small Kim Bap~

And and and my house's knife not sharp enough, was having a difficult time cut that 3 KimBap rolls, and most of them ended in a tragically "*naked" form~I ate all the "naked" and very ugly one~
*means the whole ingredients together with the rice kept coming out of the seaweed.

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