Saturday 7 July 2012

How unlucky I am or for some is I blurr lor~~~~

1. Haven't really start walking around Downtown East for Cosfest, one my heels' strap had already came out~

2.The trip to Toa Payoh CC for dance rehearsal...
   As soon as I've reached Toa Payoh mrt station,it was raining heavily~T n T I dun have umbrella with me.
Trying so hard and walked so far to get to Toa Payoh Central CC, I walked to a Church at first and I was like omg wrong place...A kind soul walked me to Toa Payoh Central CC from the Church~
I went to level2,only found a empty Dance Studio.Then I went to the customer service, I'm dumbstrucked ...It's NOT HERE!!!TOA PAYOH HAVE 4 CC!!!omg...I realised I didn't really see the location properly last time and neither do I have wifi in my phone.

Despite knowing that the dance rehearsal had already started,I phoned May and Hannah...As expected,none of them picked up~Hannah phoned me back at around 7plus pm,it's at "Toa Payoh East CC"... Thank Goodness!
I walked out of  Toa Payoh Central CC and saw Bus 232(That bus I'm suppose to take), I quickly crossed the Traffic Light and ran to the place which I thought is a Bus stop.I stopped and waited for Bus 232 to stop~However,it just passed by me,right infront of me!Actually it's not even a BUS STOP...
I ran and followed the bus to where it really stop, but ya that Bus "flee" faster than my speed of running.I MISS THAT BUS~

I managed to reach the dance studio at 7.15+pm like that while the rehearsal started at 6pm~I've spent 1hr plus to find Toa Payoh East CC.I'm pathetic~

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