Sunday 1 July 2012

Reena's belated Birthday Celebration at VIVO CITY!

Taking some pictures before I leave house to meet Wanling at Tampines MRT Station~

I'm trying calm and mono-expression as a preparation to Cosplay Misaki Mei~Okies,I doesn't really looks calm,it looks sad though~OnO

This too... ...

Actually I have only spent 1hour to put contact lens+Makeup+tie hairs~Ain't I super fast?Sense of achievement for being fast. ..


I guess my looks slightly larger here~

I see the evidences of sleeping very late last night here~
 Ki Bum is behind me!!!!!Aww~and my fur ball on my head~

Trying act fierce lol~I know,not fierce~

My so-called "Double Eyelids" caused by the False Eyelashes~

I love this pair of False Eyelashes,they are so pretty~!!!

At Subway with Wan Ling and Antricia~As u can see,Wan Ling was sitting beside me that time.

 I ate finished my egg mayo alr~

At the roof top area in Vivo City with Reena,Regina,AAt the roof top area in Vivo City with Reena,Regina,Antricia and Wan Ling~The wind here was damh strong~See my fringe here,argh~!


the photos are like so messy-ly arrange after I tried to arrange them side by side...I wonder how to rearrange it properly...이것어떻게 하지?computer  idiot sia...바보이야!

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