Tuesday 7 August 2012

APPG EXAM Paper Down~

Argh~~~~The more practices I did for APPG, the more I confuse myself with the wrong answers~
Geez..This happened again in the exam today, it's only question1.1 only, and I was spending like 10minutes for the very first question~10minutes in confusion, and kept cancelling and changing answers...and ended up having the same answer as the very first one which I have cancelled LOL~I don't understand what the question want actually~
After question1.1, I can do till question3.5..and then question3.6 HISTORY REPEATS AGAIN...I'M CONFUSE OF WHAT I'M DOING and at the same time, I don't quite understand the question again~
I didn't manage to complete the last question~
I hope I 'll get at least 75% or above correct~Can I? Idk I don't remember my answers and neither did I checked my answers~
Hope la~
Still have 3MORE MODULES to Clear~ARGH 15th August and 17th August and 23th August 2012 EXAM~why can't the exam on 23th August(ACDA) move forward to like 16th August?!!!!
Exam faster end then my School Holiday will start FASTER!

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