Saturday 18 August 2012

D-Day~!!!CJ 6th Concert~!

Was in SP(Singapore Poly) from 9.30am till 11.sthpm~I've reached home at around 1am~
It was long day but seems like it's ended so fast...A day Filled with Fun, Uniqueness, Happiness, PRETTY-S AND HANDSOME-S~!!!!
Hmmm...But Where should I start with?...
We had 2 full round rehearsals~
Before concert, There was a Flashmob and it was so COOL~!I brought Jonathan down purposely to the actual location to let him see the Flashmob~HAHAHAHA!!!
I've helped out as a CATB usher with Kee Chun and Jaclyn, we have a great chat too~!
When I'm at holding area, the feeling inside was really different...*Panic Mode*Kept practicing and practicing, it's my last minutes recap~
When we were eventually standing behind the curtain(on stage) getting ready to come out after "The Boy" performance, I feel abit relaxed and sing along with the song HAHAHAHAHA softly *Girl Bring The Boy Out*~
However, when "Sherlock" started playing, sudden chill sia, I MUST be very ready behind the curtain(coz I'm joining in after awhile)~My mind was like"I still can't believe that I'm here, really on the stage"~And then, Go~!!!! *Total Focus while dancing to Sherlock*
Despite kicking onto table behind me during "Sherlock", I didn't fall and continued to whole performance, pfff...
Eventually, it just ended.. it really ended.."Sherlock" performance ended..It was so fast~
And during the finale, when CelineJessandra(the setter of CJSOPA) spoke about us and the efforts we all(everyone) have putted in, I totally feel like Crying but I didn't~ 
It was an awesome experience to dance "Sherlock" with you us~~Month/s of practicing, preparing and of course the bonds within us~I'm lucky enough to know all of you especially: Yvonne, May, Amanda, Hannah, Denise, Raemarie and many more~I'm very grateful to all you who made all this possible especially:Inez, Joanna, Carman and CJ~

I never thought that I can actually dance on such big stage with soooooooooo many audiences(1000sth) watching me, and of course I'm not good enough to be noticed on stage(Out of the 1000sth people, 1 person saw me on stage, which is my friend, Jonathan, thank for coming~!He texted"잘하요!" to me, really thank~!)~After all we all have done a great job,isn't it?
At the end of the day, I'm exhausted but still it's worth it~!

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