Friday 17 August 2012

TP Exam, Novena, The Face Shop Building, Dhoby Ghaut~

Had only 4hrs of sleep, due to temple and TP's past year exam paper~ My eyebags.. ARGH ...are seriously obvious~
I can't really do question 2.1a and 4ai~ I just tried but not confident if they are correct or not~I've rushed through the last question within about 8minutes, it's a super long question okies(7parts)! I hope there is no careless mistakes~ I've done my best~~~
After TP exam, I meet up Yvonne, Samantha and Si Man(Really really really miss them after not seeing/hang around with them for quite some time) to go for lunch together~They accompanied me to Novena to collect my POLO Shirt from CJ...and I saw Jojo's super duper awesome new haircolour!!!SO COOL!!!Yvonne totally agree with me that her haircolour is really awesome!I'll help Yvonne to ask what's the colour she've dyed tomorrow~~~
After we're done at Novena, we went to Boon Keng to "The Face Shop Building", wanting to go to the "RockStar warehouse sale"...eventually we went the wrong direction and got abit lost..However, thank to Samantha and her google map for bring us "out of the Maze" and finally reached "The Face Shop Building"~~~
However, the person-in-charge say that they're closing it today as there were too many people, and still thinking of how to manage the crowd~Okies fine, we've made a wasted trip to Boon Keng...
Yvonne says one.."There are always up and down in life, so currently we're down"~HAHAHAHHAHA!!!
But still I'm really so sorry to them, I've like wasted their time~

Along the way going back from "The Face Shop Building", Samantha and Yvonne's back~

Taken in Boon Keng MRT Station~

                                Si Man trying to looks tall(tiptoe-ing) , But I think she's the tallest among us actually~
                                     Oosp, Sorry Si Man~
 Wanted to shoot a candid of all three of them looking at the phone but Yvonne moved away pretty fast~

                                           Yvonne looks the tallest here, isn't it?

 I'm like posting my own unglam picture~Anyway, Samantha and I was trying to hold back our laughter at Yvonne's constantly jumping to look taller than Si Man~I ended up being like this~lol~
                                         Si Man was holding the camera~OuO

After that we went to Plaza Singapura... That's where I have spent a lots of $ at~
1) Etude House's newest "Precious Mineral Sun BB Cream Light Beige"+free sponge=$36.90 and got a Jong Hyun Badge+ SHINee Puzzle...
2)Daiso's scissor and needles~(I'm not assassin anyone, I just need them to DIY)= $4
3)Spotlight's 50cm cotton cloth (have 30% off!!!)= $5.95

At Daiso...

                                                   All our bags, and the items we're gonna buy~

 At KFC....                      
Samantha's Cheese Fries indeed looks different~(Chilli sauce+Cheese+Mayonese all Stirred together)
 See this and Samantha's Cheese Fries~As compared, this cheese looks more mundane~HAHAHAHA!

 Although I'm kindda exhausted at the end of the day, I had lotsa fun today!

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