Thursday 9 August 2012

"Oh I'm so curious yeah~~~사진 속 네가 순간 미소지어 왜"

Had a Enjoyable Sherlock rehearsal/practice in CJ coz I've gain a lots more last session~Actually last session also gain a lots, and must really thank to Inez and Joanna, they really teach/help us well~They are Awesome people, I'm serious~
What they have noted out is really useful to improve/sharper our moves~I think I've improved but of course still not as good as them but still I feel my improvements I guess~I MUST practice more~

What JoJo have says is like what I've thought the last few days...Which really waken myself up... regardless how little your parts are/how fast your item end, still must do your best and not like "Aiya, my parts so little, nvm la anyhow lo."~ Totally agree with what's JoJo had said~! *But I don't remember what are the exact words she had said, I roughly bring out the meaning she means~

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