Monday 27 August 2012

~At Vivo City "Franc Franc" with Wan Ling~We were like some sua ku~HAHAHAHA~

It's all started with a Polar Bear~
 And then we took picture with him...

 He have the most fashionable eyeliner on him too~HAHAHA~!!      and we started taking pic!
 Despite people passing by staring at us like we're some weird people~

Eventually we noticed this XXXXXXXXXXL "Royal Chair" which is $25000~

 And such a UNIQUE Shirt hangers~!!!Personally I love the Diamond shirt hanger, it's so COOL~
 A super tall Giraffe which reminds me of Kwang Su~!
Look at the EPIC Expression of this Giraffe when the lamp is like SO HOT and was placed right beside Giraffe's face~HAHAHHAA!
The rabbits we're holding are actually speakers~!

 Adorable Speakers~~~~Totally love this but it's $41.90 each...
 It's just a container for you to put stuffs and looks so Expensive and BLING BLING~!                                                                       Wanling's "Art work"~HAHAAHHA
 I love the colour tones of the leopard print dust bin~I hate leopard print but ya, the colours are amazingly cool~and YUP IT'S A BIN~!
 So Creative right, both are SPEAKERS!

 They are all Speakers too~Look Modern~
It's a thing which you can put under your pillow for the softness I guess~Wan Ling squeezing it~
 Wan Ling's self-taken picture~                                                        ORANGE Sunset theme candles!

Such a ADORABLE Chair!!!Look like Sheep with head and tail~*Baahhh~*
The clocks are pretty~However,I think I'll dislike this type of clock coz can't see the time properly as its numbers are all so small~

 HAHAHAHAHA~!!!Pigs kissing and look at the black pig behind,he looks angry!
 It's sth like Feather Duster`
 Toilet Brush which don't really look like Toilet at first~
If this is a real cake, it would be tasty isn't it?
 Again, another Toilet Brush which don't look like a Toilet Brush till you open it~The outer layer looks like a lamp~
 COLOURFUL Toothbrush~!!!CUTE~
 XXXXL Cylinder and Conical Flask`
 Mini "Champagne"~(Real identity:soap~)
                                           "Macaroons"(real identity: soap~)
"wine"(Real Identity: soap~) 

Today's "fashion"~Hees, kindda of weird probably~

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