Sunday 26 August 2012

~Spiral Slide~ and ~Little Fat Tummy~

Despite of having some issues earlier on...
 In the picture above, the spiral slides which I'm talking about is the dark purple+yellow one~
Yvonne, Samantha, Si Man and me was swimming at Sengkang Swimming Complex Today~!!!!!!!!!!!FUN~I LOVE THE SPIRAL SLIDES~It was totally Fast and Thrill~I like the yellow spiral slide better coz it's a steeper slide, more thrill~
Didn't really count the number of times I've slided down the spiral slides...
I'll be back for Spiral Slides again~!!!
And and and I have bought a swimming suit from the shop nearby the swimming pool~Hees...$43.90..Quite Expensive but not Too Expensive~It looks nice and it's M SIZE...I can wear but I was having a hard time wearing it(always stuck at my shoulders and butts, geez)~So.. I really wasn't that SKINNY after all, it's just that I look skinny but I'm not~I guess I've gained weight recently since I can see my little fat tummy bulging out(when I wore that swimming suit today)~It's "little fat tummy" because it's not sooo obvious but when you take a closer look, you'll spot it~lol Why am I even explaining it~
MUST REALLY EXERCISE liao~I think Hula Hoop will be the best but I'm terrible at maybe skipping rope baa~Hees~

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