Saturday 20 October 2012

A day in USS~

 Melvin posing!!!~ We actually walked to USS, it's not that far from Habourfront actually~By walking, we saved $3 each~~ OUO V

I think the colours of this "Pizza" are rather pretty!
First picture taken in USS~Melvin, Si Man and I~
Popcorn!!!!!!!!!!!!CUTE STALL~

Elmo building??
A sort of cafe type place~Beautiful~
This is for tonight Halloween special de~
This too..for Halloween special~

Transformers Ride!It was awesomely COOL~We all took twice!
My favourite stuffs in Amasement Park...ROLLER COASTERS!
It's super fun~I can tell you that USS 's Roller Coasters were so interesting especially "Cylon"!

Melvin, Stephen and I took about 6 times of "Cylon" ride~!!!We were like addicted to the ride already...I felt so sorry for Si Man as she was alone while we were playing "Cylon"..She's afriad to ride the ride so she ended up taking care of our bags, thank alots ar Si Man~
Got Egypt feel???
Aww the "dog-human" statue~~~~So cute~
There are more here!!!
I guess you guys know where that was already~
Children rides~
With my camera, Melvin, Stephen, Si Man and I took alots of failed shot~It's my fault, I don't have self-cam us using my own camera

Puss!!!!!!!!!                                                             Gingerbreadman~~~
                    Si Man~~~~
I actually think that they looks totally Gay with long and curly eyelashes!
Ferry Wheel, we actally squeezed in 4 of us in one small ferry wheel coz the staff told us there are alots of people behind~lol~We're damh kind ~HAHAHAHAHA Melvin and Stephen sat opposite each other which was damh squeeze for their long legs!!!HAHAHAHAHA!
I think this looks cool~
Muscial?Not sure what was that since we didn't go there~
The food, Drinks and Ice Cream are all so expensive~I wanted to buy a ice cream so much but it's so not worth it when they sell a $1plus/$0.70 ice cream for $3 each~CRAZY price~I didn't buy anything in USS~
While queuing for Transformers rides~~~~!!!

OUO                                                                              Me and Si Man!

We took picture with that cool Robot(okies, dunno what's that Transformer character was known as)~
              Took with Egypt Proud Queen~She looks super confident~~~~and Pretty!Oh She is~~~
Me, Si Man, Stephen and Melvin~~~
abits of candid~

Stephen!                                                                      Melvin~!

 HAHAHAHAHA Look at Melvin!!!Taken when we're in the Ferrywheel

 Before our first Transformer Ride, Si Man and I took a picture~ 4D glasses!!!!!!!
 Stephen  made this using the machine~Cool~

 Joker??Stephen took picture with him~

Hees~Sesame Street~
Left USS at 5plus pm~~~

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