Monday 15 October 2012

~First Day Of School~~First Time Seeing Lee Hyun Woo in real person~

I wore them on the first of school~New Clothes, New Class, New Start~
Was feel with a mixture of nervous, holiday mood, anticipate and excited~
It was great to see a lots of familiar faces in my new class~and Friends which I have not seen during holiday too~For the first lesson of the day, I wasn't really listening to Lecturer Kim as I was looking around especially for someone~Hees~
 After school lessons, I went straight to Suntec City after struggling so much to decide if I should go home and take my camera or not~Well... ...My lesson ended at 5pm and my school is damh far from my house.So Nope, I didn't go home and take my Camera.
It's really such a waste not bringing my camera as my view from level 2 was rather good after two girls infront left.
I have taken 2 videos of Lee Hyun Woo using my mobile phone's camera.They ended up to be Soundless~One of it was taken when he sang his Cute Song!and it was totally soundless...Oh gosh!
It's okies...What's matters was enjoying the sweet moment~~~
My way of singing his Cute Song to him:(using Simple Korean words)
♩ ♪ 이현우 이현우 웃을때 귀여워~~~♫ ♬

♩ ♪ 너무멋이는 오빠이야~~~♫ ♬

♩ ♪기뻐요 기뻐요 내가 너무기뻤어서...♫ ♬

♩ ♪내가  가슴이 콩닥콩닥 이것어떻게~~~♫ ♬

English Translation:
Lee Hyun Woo Lee Hyun Woo You're cute when you smile~~
A guy who is very handsome~~~
Happy Happy As I'm very happy....
What to do with my kong-dak kong-dak heart~~~

lol..It's rather difficult to translate into English although it's written by me~
Anyway....My CRAZYmobile phone, it needs a change liao....However, I don't want HTC, Apple, Blackberry(stingyly tiny keypads, Dislike) or Samsung, lol no need to buy phone liao, nothing to choose one, all non-keypads de I dislike~!
 Lee Hyun Woo fans meeting~Taken while waiting for him to reach~
 For your information:Lee Hyun Woo was that guy standing in the middle in black clothes~
 For your information:Lee Hyun Woo was that guy sitting in the middle in black clothes~
For your information:Lee Hyun Woo was that guy sitting in the middle in black clothes~
Sorry for such pictures~~~As I'm very far away from Lee Hyun Woo...In addition of forgetting to bring my camera, I used my pathetic 3mega pixels mobile phone camera~
From what I have seen today, I can conclude that Lee Hyun Woo is a Shy Guy and he's slightly opposite from "Cha Eun Gyoel"~ OUO Nice to meet you~

Plus I saw Shan Shan there too~~~After the event, we chatted alots till mrt station(then we seperate our ways), or maybe is I talk too much~HEHEEHHHEHEEHEHES So Happy to see you there Shan Shan~!

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