Sunday 21 October 2012

Yvonne's Belated Birthday Celebration and Samantha's Early Birthday Celebration!

Intentionally, we planned to make food at Si Man's house and Picnic(plus surprise birthday celebration for both of them) at Marina Barage... However, due to the rain... ... We decided to Picnic in Si Man's house~HAHAHAHA!
My Egg Sandwich de Egg looks disgusting...This is with egg yolk one~
This is without egg yolk one~
Si Man helping Samantha to stirr the Milo cake mixture!
Now Samantha took over~~~
And HAHAHAHAHA~Samantha says she don't wanna waste so....HAHAHAHHAA!!!
The Sushi I have made at home before coming!Samantha and Si Man say that it's delicious~ egg sandwiches~It 's actually have no taste one except for the egg taste~I've mixed butter with the egg and though butter will make it salty~lol~Naive~
When Samantha saw this, she was like jumping around "YAY"-ing and thought the cake was successful... However...
it turn up to become like this...
After cool down...worse~
Samantha wrote sth using the cream~and we actually tasted the milo cake, it was alright , not bad the taste~Just It's too soft and half-cooked only~

Samantha and I went to buy Yvonne's Birthday while Si man went to bring Yvonne to come~(intentionally, the milo cake are suppose to be Yvonne's Birthday cake but well... ... )
We're celebrating Samantha early 18yrs old Birthday and Yvonne belated 18yrs old Birthday~
Cooked the milo cake again...and it ended up becoming like that~HAHAHAHAHAHA!!tHE MELTED CREAM~~~
Waiting for Yvonne at the door there when we heard Yvonne's voice(actually Yvonne and Si Man were busy lighting up Samantha Birthday Ice Cream outside whereby the fire on the candles kept kenna blow off~)~

P.S:Sorry for such a late celebration..

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