Saturday 13 October 2012

..Pinic CANCELLED....~~SMS~~...Lost Wallet...

But at least I can sleep more during my last official day of holiday..
if have picnic, I have wake up at 8plus am~Hees~

I taught my mum how to sms, now she know how to already... I'm so proud of her!!!!

My dad lost his wallet just now...Gosh...IC, Credit Cards, Ez-link card, $ and POSB ATM card...and the wallet I had given him as his Birthday present this year... T m T
He told me every times he picked up other people lost(dropped) wallet/$ he always returned to them but now it's his turn to lost his wallet, no one return him..he went back to find, and it's gone in just awhile~lol~
POSB ATM card need $5 to get the replacement card..And lost IC the 2nd time must pay abt$300...this is the 2nd time he lost it.. oh gosh...$$$
I don't dare to take $ from Dad this week liao, he already lost(lost his wallet, not gamble) so much $...

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