Friday 19 October 2012

Dinner with old friends(Wan Ling, Antricia and Kelly)~~~

Attire for Gym today~!My indeed looks chubby with short fringe~

 Taken while waiting for Antricia~We're all we all reached Somerset at pm and Antricia reached at 6pm~
 At Pasta Mania~~~me, Wan Ling, Kelly and Antricia~
 Halloween edition~I think that little girl was rather cute~

Since Wan Ling wanna take, I just posed for her lo~Quite hilariously done posing for her~
 Rainbow effect~~~~

I like that spec I wore here!!!                                        Halloween edition with Wan Ling!
 At Pasta Mania~~~
 Taken while waiting for Antricia to come~

 Taken at Pasta Mania before my hp battery die....

OMG Why did I forget to bring my camera Again....

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