Friday 5 October 2012

Boring Friday~~In Batam~~~at least abit more interesting than yesterday~

Finally get to go Ah Qing's(Cousin Vivian) house...LOOK AT her dog: Fa Cai~~~Now he's having short hair liao~
When I'm here, I realise one thing...I have short hair(Last time my hair very long one hor), my youngest aunt have short hair(as compared to the last time I saw her) and my 3rd aunt(Her's is really short hair lol, coz she say cut short hair don't look so auntie) too~
Honesty, I don't have the appetise to eat since I'm at Tanjung Batu...I don't feel like eating everyday.Anyway, Grandparents, mum and I went to Nagoya Hill(it's a shopping mall, not a hill~)...and got a comfortable and cool jean short~
I was having a headache today....after I'm back, I played with Fa Cai(he doesn't look interested, maybe I'm too boring) awhile, and then went up to sleep awhile~
At night also...Was having a terrible headache and very dizzy+Fever, have to force myself to sleep~

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