Saturday 27 October 2012

라면떡볶이, tailor, Antricia~

I brought some Kim Bapp/sushi(whatever they look like) to share with the 2 korean teachers and frens before extra lesson start, and they told me it's delicious!OUO
Valerie too!She brought the cookies and Pudding she have made to share with us too!!!Tasty!!!
The  라면떡볶이 한선생님 have made for us during the extra korean lesson~!And she didn't put meat/fishcake so that I(vegetarien) can eat~Aww~OUO
 오늘은 한선생님의 집에서 선생님 만들는 라면떡볶이 먹었어요~그라면떡볶이 매워지만 정말맛있어요!
한선생님, 오늘을 정말갑사합니다~저는 즐겼어요.
(I have eaten the ramen ddoek-bok-ki which my korean teacher made at her house today~Although it was spicy, it was really delicious!Really thank her alots for today~I have enjoyed )

P.S:Her house is damh beautiful!!!the interior~!
 Today's Fashion~!

 After leaving Korean teacher's house, I went to Bedok to find tailor(since tampines de tailorman told it can't be tailored) to tailor my super XL pant(which is suppose to use for cosplay)~and well I found, and the auntie told me that it can be done~Thank GOD~
This cute tailorman auntie was funny how she really don't know what's Cosplay to that certain extent~HAHAHAHA!
It was like this...
Auntie:this pant is for you to wear one or..?
Me:yap, I'm gonna wear it.
Auntie:HUH?!WA SO LARGER? Too big for you la~you buy one?
Me:I bought it.I have no choice, I need this colour de plain long pant for Cosplay and they only have one size.and I can't even find similar colour pant with smaller cutting other than this(such a big one)~
Auntie:I think you go and change it first, I see how much I should alter.
*when I'm gone*
Another auntie asked her why I bought such a oversized pant...
Auntie:She lor, she like the colour lor~
*when I came out of the changing room*
Me:It's not because that I like this colour than I buy one~I bought it because I need it, I need it for Cosplay~
*when I'm leaving*
that another came to Busybody again and asked what did I say just now~
Auntie:aiya she like that colour so much sia..Actually our shop have many more smaller cutting and nice looking one than her's lo~she shouldn't have bought such a big one.
~I'm speechless~
After being speechless, I went to meet Antricia and give her the Kim Bapp/Sushi(whatever it looks like) I made~OUO Hope she'll like it!

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