Sunday 28 October 2012

No Wild Wild Wet today~Teentop-"To You" first lesson T m T

Suppose to go wild wild wet today de...I even went all the way to Si Man's there(Sengkang) to collect the ticket from her because she's not coming wild wild wet with us and she was unwell(Must get well soon and see Doctor ar, Si Man~) early in the morning as soon as I woke up~
Unfortunately, Wild Wild Wet is still not done yet , so it will only reopen on the first of November 2012~Furthermore, the chalet staff told us that the ticket will be extended till end of December instead of 31st Oct!lol....Today then we know that it was extended...(T m T)
So Apple, Samantha and I was like standing outside the Coasta Sand Chalet stoning not sure what to do next...Eventually we've decided to pay $1 entrance fee and go to the chalet swimming pool to swim!OUO
 We're all in Swimming Suit~!
 Taken when Wild Wild Wet was just right behind us...Can see but cannot go in and play~Haiis~
Pretty Apple and Samantha~!OUO V
 I think this picture is Awesomely pretty!Taken by Apple's iphone
Samantha:Ah~*Point* Me:O0O~*Point* Apple:ley~*Point* Taken by Apple's iphone
 and well the Sun was Super Ultra Strong today, I even got abit of sunburn on my shoulder because of not applying sunblock on my shoulder...
My face too a little red from light sunburn~But I have applied damh alots of Sunblock on my face though!It seems kindda useless isn't it?
I suppose this sunblock is either not strong enough or it's gone as soon as I went into the swimming pool since it's not written as a water-proof one~ T n T MUST BUY WATER-PROOF ONE NEXT TIME!

After I have eaten Apple's delicious handmade sushi and Si Man's tasty handmade cookie with Samantha and Apple, I went to CJ(at Novena) to attend my first Teentop-"To You" dance class...Well... ...
One word to describe the first lesson:STRESS!~
I can even follow the music as I danced out the steps too slow already~and it's only taught till before Teentop start to sing a Haiis~It's difficult to me... must practice everyday liao!I'm serious!
And due walking alots in my hot(due to the hot sun) black slipper, the underneath  of my feet was like ...the skin harden due friction and pain sia...I wun be wearing my slipper for at least a week liao, a pair of shoes will be much more comfortable now... omO

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