Monday 22 October 2012

~Such a Long Day~~KCC~~Odder~~Laptop~

Had school lesson from 9am to 5pm~Then attended KCC(my CCA) session and had alots of fun with Jonathan~~After seeing Hyuna-Ice Cream music video, I mentioned how much I wanna eat Ice Cream since USS last Saturaday~
Jonathan too, he wanna eat Ice Cream too~Eventually, we went to "Odder"(A ice Cream shop) and ordered Mango Shobet and Jonathan want de flavour... The Mango Shobet was super fruity super delicious!!!!and it doesn't melt so easily~
Actually I went "Odder" with Zhong Ping, Lorena they all last thursday before!
I took Bus985 to Kallang~~~I called the bus driver to tell me to alight when it reached Kallang MRT Station....
Emberass moment:I didn't heard he when he called me as I was listening to music+Sleeping...Until he stood infront of me and "HELLO.", I sudden awaken by him.I say "Sorry" and rushed down the bus~
You know what... ... ... I only remembered that I left my Laptop on the BUS when I reached Tampines!!!~Shocked and BLANK for a moment~
After that I kept saying to myself, (Stay Positive)aiya nvm la, can find one since the bus only left the bus driver and a man who boarded the bus~So I didn't breakdown and cry like when I dropped and lost my mobile phone in the Bus when I was secondary4 that time~
Thank to Jonathan who have helped me to write a lost report to SMRT~~~
Hope get back my laptop soon... ...

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