Saturday 6 October 2012

Big Temple~Fa Cai~Pema's kiss~My 3rd aunt's new house~

Vivian's mother brought My grandparent, mum and I to Big Temple to eat~She have a lots of vouchers to use..And it having a vegetarien food fair, have alots of food to choose from~I saw sushi!!!But I have no appetite today...Forcefully just get a spaghetti for lunch~
Fa Cai!!!!!!!!
Awww~~~He's smiling!!!!!
What are you looking at...????
This picture super adorable!!!!!!!!
With mouth closed~
With mouth opened~

> U < OMG
OUO How cute this is!!!!
Trying out taking photos with him~This one abit fail~

                                                                              Fa Cai looks so handsome, I looks so unglam~

He's lookinh at the camera!
Fa Cai ignoring me liao~
I was bored so I started to film Fa Cai Running here and there~Cute much~But 5secs only~
Vivian's 3rd aunt shown me this picture~My first reaction: Aiyo so CUTE!Pema so Pretty!
She says Justin die die don't wanna kiss Pema when the photographer asked him to, and Pema just help to kiss him lo~
My 3rd aunt's NEW HOUSE~Quite beautiful hor, looks expensive isn't it?
The house opposite, when I was at her new house open space~
the open space
same place
the toilet quite big~

Stair~                                                                          Balcony~
3rd aunt say that was for fresh air de~HAHAHAHAHA!when raining, the rain will enter too~
living roon plus kitchen~All not done yet~

the fresh air that one~when raining, the rain will enter here lo~    another big toilet~
Leaving her new house~
Anyway the interior was still quite incomplete yet~

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