Thursday 11 October 2012

What's wrong with not getting Marry?

My grandpa had a long talk with me twice about the same thing(the second time(was mostly repeated) was because I haven't manage tell my youngest aunt)~
He wanted youngest aunt to marry soon but she refused alots relatives who wanted to introduce a guy to her..She's 37yrs old~(which I think not marry, still quite okies ley~)
My Grandpa: Every parents want to see their child in happiness and Bless~Which parents will wanna see their child suffering and lonely~If she(my youngest aunt) wanna find guy herself, it's less possible to even find one as her working environment is in a room, and when she's not working she's always at home.If she wanna maintains single for the rest of her life, she also don't have the $(doesn't have hight-pay) and brain(doesn't have high Qualification) to do so and relatives/parents can't take care of her for the rest of her life~Relatives all have their own life.and for us(as a parent), we're already 70plus yrs old, the most we only have a few more years to live. Since you're(me) closer to her(my youngest aunt) help me convince your youngest aunt to attend those matchmaking session. She wouldn't listen to me one. Your own kin definitely will introduce someone good for you(my youngest aunt) one, so just go~ 
Grandpa manage to convince me to convince youngest aunt, but till now I still haven't manage to convent what he had said to my youngest aunt...OmO so sorry grandpa, I really don't know how to say, I scare she angry at me... I'll try to ask her why she refused them and try to convince her.
But if youngest aunt really don't want to get marry, it's her choice, I also have no right to decide her future for you(Grandpa)~(Taken from the advice from Vivian's 3rd aunt)~
what grandpa had said make alots of sense...and I'm quite agree~But there is sth I totally don't agree with him...Grandpa and Grandma WILL live much longer than what he said, I can't bare you guys, so don't say words like that Again!

Grandpa talked about my grandma after that~It seems like grandma is girl who are very prideful and can't accept critisizes but she's weak, she needs grandpa's care~Actually grandpa and grandma have similar characters, they just have to spare a thought more for each other and not being harsh at each other~

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