Wednesday 31 October 2012

There were alots of times I was thinking WHY am I STUDYING Engineering..WHY!

Almost of the lab/practice(or whatever you call that), I can't really do~and they can't really be studied!THAT'S THE POINT~!I always blank out in every MPI Lab, despite doing it like 3times(including today) already...Every thursday will have MPI Lab...Sian...
I always blame to instructions for not being clear but why everyone can understand and can do...why I can't..That's my problem liao!
Seriously feel very stupid doing mpi lab..My MPI lecturer kept saying that MPI is a module that as long as you have the common sense, you can's either I dun hv the common sense she was saying or I didn't listen to the lecture~
Well...I have totally no interest for Engineering...Why am I doing this...For now I just wanna complete my engineering diploma, that's all!
If I'm really interested in it, I will really love it and make it the best..But what exactly am I interested to? Fashion, KPOP, Korean language(I score A every sem...), Variety, Animes, Cosplay...They all seems useless in term of future...
That's why I can't think of anything I wanna work as in the future~

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