Wednesday 10 October 2012

I'm not talented and neither am I smart enough...I'm totally blank for My Future...

Was having some conversion with my 3rd aunt and Vivian's father while I was in Batam that time...
We chatted about Vivian and how smart she is and her future job and so on.... ...Meanwhile I was filled with envy how she(Vivian) know what she really want for her future.
Because I'm studying a Engineering Course which I will never wanna work as in the future, and I'm unsure of whether I can really enter University.
My 3rd aunt asked what if I can't enter University, can I retake the exam like how I did for O'level English.
My answer is: That is not even possible, coz Poly is accumulate every semester de GPA for 3yrs~If can't enter University, I really dunno what to do... ...I also don't want to be a Engineer~I don't want to work so early...I know what type of jobs I die die don't want to work as..However I don't what type of job I want.
Vivian's father suddenly says sth like : Every profession produces its own leading authority(行行出状元)... ..(and so on)
Me:But seriously how can Cleaner/labour worker be like that...I'm being biased and try to oppose his ideas.
Vivian's father:You can't say like that...I've only finished my primary school education only, I started off as low as other people worker too~and now look what I am(Boss of a Electronic Shop)~
My 3rd aunt:My hubby also, he started off a small worker in boat making de...and he kept thinking that one day he will be like his boss, he want to be like him~and now he is~
Me:I know... But I still really don't what to do...

Another topic~"Marriage"
Me:My grandpa kept telling me the same...He's worried for youngest aunt that she's not marriage, he told me to tell her, convince her to agree to be matchmake..I don't know how to say to her, and he's like asking a person who don't support Marriage to convince a person to get Marry~
My 3rd aunt:Why? Why you don't wanna to Marry?
Me:okies...maybe forcefully...Marry a guy can baa...But I wouldn't want a kids~
My 3rd aunt:What if your husband want kids ley?
Me:Then I will find a guy who don't like kids~There are alots~
Vivian's father:You people are selfish~
Me:What's so selfish about not having kids?nothing wrong what~
My 3rd aunt:But if you marry someone, you must have kids, if not your husband can easily get sick of you...if he tend to get sick of you and you have a kids, at least he still loves the kids~if you don't have, he might find another girl to have kids with~
Me:Huhh....Like that ar...Then don't marry it's better~Don't marry also can have alots of freedom~
Vivian's father:scare liao scare liao~You scare liao right~
Me:No, why should I, it's still too early to say about Marriage actually~
To be honest, yup I'm scare, but still I still have quite long path to go...Adults like them are quite wise...They give wise advices~I agree with them most of the time..
But what to do, I'm totally blank for My Future~Can't I stay at 18yrs old moment forever?

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