Tuesday 18 September 2012

Camera from Canon at Habourfront..and Franc Frac~

I have collected my new camera from Canon Company after my work training... Have to get used to a new camera liao...OUO
First picture taken using my new camera...
At Canon Company with Wan Ling...

In Habourfront Centre's watson/guardian/whatever shop it was, the lip gloss have nice and sweet smell esp the pink and yellow colours one!!!Feel like eating it~
At Vivo City... ...
Franc Franc~

Wan Ling, Kwang Su's friend and me~!!!!!!                 The polar bear was gone... OnO

                                                                                   Doesn't my legs look muscular???

I love the mirrored effect~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A cup~

I think it is suitable to put dogs/cats inside~No?
Such a large Fork~                                                      Paiseh, don't mind me~
Fragrance Oil and white cloth flower 
Such a large Wine Glasses!!!

I have touched the flower, it's super oily~!!!!!!!

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