Saturday 1 September 2012

Outing with parents in Bugis~

Initially, I don't feel like going out with my parents as they are kindda boring~However, I tell myself that I shouldn't be like this, I have already give way too much excuses to not to go out with them in the past, I should hang around with them when I still have them and not be like this~
This time round, it's not really boring...
We went mummy's last time boss's Herbal Shop to find her boss~They talked for like quite long~and then one of the lady who know them since mummy was young(18yrs old that time), say that during that time your mummy very skinny and your daddy was a small Handsome guy which a lots of us like...but now he got older abit le, still handsome but not so~
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA She's damh honest and straight-forward!!!!

We were actually around si ma lun guan yin temple(direct translation to english: 4road buddha temple), and Daddy was saying that that HDB Block271 was built by him~Later then correct himself that "no no, not all by myself, it was built by  other construction workers and me."~
Eventually we went to Fortune Shopping Centre and have dinner~Fortune Shopping Centre really have quite a lots of Vegetarien stalls!!!Next time I come Bugis I can go there to eat~

Green Tea You Tiao~
It's delicious and have a nice smell but it's not crispy enough~

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