Saturday 29 September 2012

*Misconception about Papaya Milk**Large Ant in my Grass Jelly Drink**I'm a SINGAPOREAN*

A lot of customers kept saying that "Drink more Papaya Milk make your Breast bigger, so it's a females' drink." lol please...everyone...Papaya Milk is just Papaya juice+Milk, it really don't have any effect to make your Breast Bigger OKIES!!!
Additionally...There is one Promotor Auntie, damh irritating, she joked about the Papaya Milk and tell me better don't let the males try the Papaya Milk(coz of the so-called "will make their Breast Bigger effect")...Lol like AGAIN right..Another person believe in that AGAIN~And ... ... She told me to drink more, coz mine that one so small~ ....Fine...Still the fact is still the fact, PAPAYA MILK HAVE NOTHING GONNA DO WITH MAKING YOUR BREAST BIGGER~!

I really shouldn't have bought that Grass Jelly drink from Hawker Centre during lunch break... ...THERE WAS AN ANT(Larger one with wings) IN THE DRINK...And I've bitten it once and thought why the Grass Jelly so hard one, and TO MY SURPRISE..It was AN ANT INSTEAD OF GRASS JELLY~I'm so sorry Mr ANT...RIP..I really didn't know you're in the Grass Jelly drink I have bought~After that I threw the whole Grass Jelly Drink away, $1 wasted~

The whole day...I was being asked if I'm from China or not several times... ... Oh Welll...They all say that I have foreign face~My father is Singaporean and My mother is Indonesian....Okies, I'm a Singaporean but I have half-Indonesian Blood= half-foreigner blood...Maybe that's the reason for having foreigner face?I don't know~
So... .... How does Singaporean look like if I don't look like Singaporean....????
To be true..I rather to look like a Korean or Japanese or Indonesian rather than ... .... .... ... ... ... ...

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