Friday 28 September 2012

Dead Lobster...Dead Fishies... Vegetarian..

One thing love my parents and myself about is that... ...We are all Vegetarian~
I seriously cannot imagine myself touching those dead chicken/fishies etc to cook a meal~

...I was working today in Sheng Song Supermarket as a promotor for like AGAIN~I went to get Ice for to make my sample(Papaya Milk) cold...Only the sell Seafood area have Ice...So I went in after asking permission to get ice...I jumped after seeing crabs and fishies half-alive/alive in the big containers(The containers were all opened) placed on the floor nearby the Fridge(which contains Ice)...By the way, the fridge again have Seafood inside(some frozen fishes and prawns in plastic bags sitting on the Ice near the fridge door), Dead Sea Creatures smell in the Fridge...OmO
2nd time getting the ice... as soon as I opened the fridge door, I saw a dead Lobster(it's beautiful though) sitting on a plastic bag, Wa I freak out abit and jumped too~I can't imagine myself taking the ice with a Dead Frozen Lobster staring at me...Anyway, the point is...Mr Lobster...RIP~
They were so poor things to be killed for Human Consumption...They are so pretty, especially that Lobster I saw today~
I'm goona see them tmr once again..Being frozen or chopped. ..OnO..

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