Sunday 16 September 2012

Work like hell just to get to go home earlier~

Coffeeshop auntie Boss: You have already sold out about 7 boxes(1 box contains 24packets of 330ml Ribena) of Ribena in the past 2 days...and because I haven't restock Ribena so now we have only left 2 boxes of  Ribena. After you have sell finish all the Ribena, you can just go home, don't need to wait until 9pm~
Me: Orh~
Around 12 to 2pm, there were alots of people eating in the Coffeeshop, damh alots of people rejected me and quite alots of people bought Ribena from me~A old man who appeared to be a little drunk bought 10 packets of Ribena from me~I was shocked...anyway..Thank him for helping me clear 10 packets of them~
At 4pm, wa...Super little people(only about 10%of the seats filled) in the Coffeeshop, and almost everyone one of them rejected me, it's gonna be hard to sell finish Ribena...
Some kindsouls who see me walking around back and fore trying to sell Ribena, They bought some from me~
And EVENTUALLY I had sold out all the Ribena in the Coffeeshop, only left 1 last packet of Ribena in the Coffeeshop..
Coffeeshop auntie Boss:You can go back already, left one only nevermind la...
Me: Really?!Thank You~
And zooooooommmmmmm, went off at 5plus pm~!!!!!!!I went home much earlier then yesterday sia~


and Was wrapping Birthday's presents at home...

 For Wan Ling..
 This too~!!!!!!

Regina's present!                                                          For Wan Ling de~!!!

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